Our founding members are the cornerstone of Pecten Employees Co-operative Credit Union (PECCU), bringing together a wealth of experience, dedication, and a shared vision for financial empowerment. Each of them has played a vital role in shaping our mission and values, ensuring that our members receive the best possible service and support.
Together, our founding members have laid a strong foundation for our credit union, guided by principles of trust, integrity, and community. Their collective expertise and unwavering commitment continue to drive our mission forward, helping us serve our members with excellence and dedication.
1 - GWANGWA’A Galhia
2 - OSONG Barnabas
3 - TAMBI Grace
4 - NNAM Lucia Chuo
5 - LAINJO Fidelis Fongang
6 - ETIKWE Michael E.
7 - MOKUBE John D.
8 - GWAHSE L. Francis
9 - AMBE Che Shadrack
10 - OJONG Etchu Gabriel
11 - ATEM Simon Fondu
12 - ESSAMA Thobie
13 - LEKIANKO Bernard
14 - TANGYE Georges F.
15 - EBAI Dickson
16 - FON Thaddeus Sahla
17 - NGOLE Emmanuel E.
18 - TCHOFFO Martin N.
19 - ITOE Iyambe Clement
20 - OBEN Charles A.
21 - AKENJI Fon
22 - CHOH Stephan Che
23 - MUNJI Grace
24 - TAKU Alexander
25 - EYONG Henry
26 - LOH Sylvester
27 - CASPA Juliana
28 - AARON Fonda Andongkobi
29 - AWASUNG Protus
30 - SHU John Wasang
31 - MBUNWE Sembe Joseph
32 - DOUMBE Mbango Ruth
33 - AKAP Felix Nji
34 - BESONG Moses Eyong
35 - AWOKANG John
36 - SANYI Emmanuel
37 - ASAYA Wilfred Acha
38 - NACAULAY David
39 - TAMBE Julius Eyong
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PECCU: Financial Co-operative Credit Union owned and managed by its members. Founded by the employees of then PECTEN Cameroon company and now called ADDAX Petroleum Cameroon. Reg. Decision N°00395/MINIFI, and the Banking Commission for Central African States (COBAC) under decision N°D-2001/05 - Code N°19419. PECCU is affliliated to the Cameroon Co-operative Credit Union Leaque (CamCCUL).